Advancement Via Independent Determination
AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness in a global society.
AVID is a college-readiness system for elementary through postsecondary designed to increase school wide learning and performance. AVID accelerates student learning, uses research-based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional learning and acts as a catalyst for systemic reform and change.
AVID serves over 33,000 students in more than 294 secondary sites and 34,000 students in 142 elementary sites in Los Angeles County.
Senior Data for Class of 2018:
99.7% Graduated from high school
92% Complete four-year college requirements
96% Submitted the FAFSA or State Financial Aid
90% Applied to a four-year college
79% Accepted at a four-year college

Cusd Avid Schools And Their Websites
Claremont High School
El Roble Intermediate School
Condit Elementary
Mountain View Elementary
Oakmont Elementary School
Sumner Elementary School
Vista del Valle Elementary School